Providing schools and districts personalized emergency planning, training, and mitigation for various incidents schools may encounter.

School safety consultants across the US provide a wide variety of services that only look at what the problems or concerns are in schools or districts. Essentially, your school or district may have paid a lot of money only to get a report that tells your school/district what is wrong and gives you recommendations that include selling or endorsing products they believe will help you. Your school or district is left to disseminate the report and does not truly solve your problem.
Our Firm provides an initial free consultation where we listen and then give initial recommendations on how the school or district should proceed. We are in the business of helping schools or districts be safe and prepared. We are not in the business to leave a school or district paying money and get minimal in return.
We give schools and districts options for services that fits their needs. In addition, we will assist in strengthening relationships with your first responder agencies and emergency management agencies to have a consistent working environment when an event occurs.
Our Firm has a mix of professionals that work in emergency management in local, state, and federal level; police department leadership personnel that specifically provide school resource officers to schools; and a real time Emergency Management Coordinator that is working in the 5th largest school district in the US.

Firm Owner
Thomas (Tom) Woodland- MBA Emergency Management Coordinator
LinkedIn Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-woodland-mba-97a4a892
Tom started as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) in 2006 and worked on an ambulance for 14 years. During that time, he went to Paramedic school and graduated in 2012. Continuing down the road of EMS, Tom took some time to work in a hospital setting by working in an ICU and ER department.
After moving to the Monterey Peninsula in 2017, Tom went to work for a IFT/backup 911 EMS provider in San Jose. Tom became a field supervisor with the ambulance company. He quickly realized that additional "emergency management" concepts needed to be obtained in ICS as San Jose, like many other metropolitan cities, can have multiple incidents that will need leaders to mitigate incidents. Tom went to obtain ICS certifications so at minimum, he could be prepared to provide leadership should something happen.
In 2019, Tom shifted his work to the local County EMS Agency where he was assigned to investigations and subsequently the Emergency Operations Center during the beginning stages of COVID-19.
Tom then made a sudden change and was hired by a neighboring County Public Health Services as the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. The basics of emergency management, continuing education, and subsequent co-leading COVID-19 operations for the entire County was successful. Tom's leadership with Point of Distribution Sites (POD), security operations, collaborating with multiple agencies in the County for COVID contingencies, becoming a co-Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC), and working to secure resources for the lone critical access hospital helped get the local County residents in a better position for services while beginning the recovery process.
Tom moved forward to school safety and was hired by a local school district as an administrator (Emergency Preparedness and School Safety Coordinator) to bring emergency preparedness/safe school operations leadership to the district following the Uvalde, Texas event. The district needed a leader who could develop emergency plans and train sites on school safety and preparedness.
Tom began with developing an Emergency Operations Manual for the district as this set a standard of consistent responses to various incidents. This Manual was board approved and implemented. Next, Tom had implemented with district, sites, and union approval, the reclassification of the school security officer program. This milestone created a consistent security program that not only dealt with security issues, but also provided a safety component to respond to crisis situations such as medical response, and mental health response.
Tom moved to Las Vegas and currently works in Nevada in the 5th largest district in the US as an Emergency Management Coordinator.
Tom's leadership and development has given students/families/communities a piece of mind that when their children attend school, they will be safe in the learning environment. In addition, staff and administrators can focus on the education piece so the students can advance in the educational setting toward graduation.